How to Grow Radishes

If you are new to gardening, radishes might be one of the first vegetables you should try to grow. They are typically not very difficult to grow. They mature and are ready to be harvested in a short amount of time. They are often easy to keep healthy even when facing various weather and soil condition. In fact, you can actually plant them up to six weeks before the last frost of the winter.

They can be grown in containers as long as the growing pot is about 12 inches in depth. You can also grow them within raised beds or you can grow them directly in the ground. Compost can be worked into the soil before you start planting. Remove any possible obstructions from the soil before planting seeds about ½ inch into the ground. Seeds can be placed relatively close together with a distance of only about 3 inches needed between plants.

You will want to plant them in an area where they can receive at least six hours of sunlight each day. If you live in an area where the temperature will often rise above 75 degrees, you will want the plants to grow in a location where they can receive some shade during the day. Make certain that they receive at least an inch of water each week. In most cases you will only need to use garden feed once during the growth of your plants.

They will germinate in a very short amount of time. In fact, they can do so in about 3 to 10 days. You can plant them in stages during the optimal growing window if you want to enjoy homegrown radishes for a longer amount of time. Keep in mind that they can usually be harvested within about 20 or 30 days. It might take a little longer in some cases.

You can start to enjoy your crop when you notice they are the right size to eat and use in your cooking. You only have a window of about 1 or 2 weeks to harvest them. In this case, bigger is not better. If they grow for too long and get too big they will not be very tasty. Pick them in enough time to enjoy them!

If you found this article helpful then why not visit my site on Growing your own vegetables. Packed full of tips on Growing Vegetables.

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