How to Grow Green Beans in Your Home Garden

I enjoy both gardening and cooking. In order to do both I started a vegetable garden in my backyard. Greenbeans are my favorite vegetable to grow in my home garden. It’s really fun to be able to grow something from seed and then be able to use them in a variety of ways. In order […]

Growing, Cultivating and Propagating Green Beans

Can’t do without them Also called Snap, French, or String Beans, Green Beans are both attractive and useful. Even if you think of them as being garden plants, you can easily grow them on a balcony or terrace. These beans love the heat and cannot take the frost. They have the advantage of growing quickly–as […]

10 Tips on Growing Green Beans

First, you need to decide what you want to plant. The two main choices are bush beans or pole beans. I prefer pole beans because they are easier to pick, have better flavor and have less problems from pests and disease. Pole beans will grow nearly anywhere. These types of beans require staking with supports […]