Archive for June, 2013

Growing Radishes

Radishes are one of the quickest and tastiest crops to grow in early spring and again in fall. See how easy it is to grow in your garden.

Growing Basil in a Home Herb Garden

As you no doubt know, Basil is a great herb! It can flourish almost anywhere in the world, and is really easy to grow! It’s an essential ingredient in most of your favourite recipes, you can add it as a finishing touch to any dish and it even looks great as a garden or kitchen […]

Growing Carrots – Light, Water and Nutrient Needs

Just as in the local grocery store, carrots range from long, slender and tapered to short, stubby and almost beet-shaped carrots. When you think of all the sizes, carrots are amongst the most versatile home vegetables to grow and you can take your pick of the varieties of seeds – just polish up your […]

Four Essential Gardening Tips

There are a few gardening tips that have worked for me in the past that I am going to share with you because when starting your own garden there is no reason to head in with your eyes closed. There is plenty of information about gardening in your arsenal. The Internet, gardening clubs, books, magazines […]

How to Grow Radish!

Growing Radish Radish are a tasty addition to any salad dish, they give it bite, spice and of course add colour, texture and variety. They are easy to grow; in fact they were the first vegetable crop I grew as a child. There are two main types of radish: the large winter kind and the […]

Free Gardening Tips

Gardens come in different varieties like the plants you find in them. There are several gardening tips that can be used for all type of gardens. 1.Mulching protects your garden topsoil from being blown away. It also provides nutrients as it decomposes and improves the appearance of your gardens. Mulching has other benefits and is […]

How To Grow Squash: Some Useful Tips

Squashes can be divided into summer squashes and winter squashes but both the varieties grow on vines and have yellow flowers. The summer squash includes a wide variety of squashes in different colors and shapes. Some of them are straight necked, crooked necked, Zucchini, etc. Winter varieties include acorn, butternut, spaghetti, etc and they too […]

Organic Garden – Helpful Ideas and Tips

Organic gardening is growing in popularity as people increasingly see the need to avoid chemicals and synthetic products. Organic gardens also provide protection form genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the garden. Those who take up organic gardening often are at a loss as to where to buy supplies. They don’t know what products they need […]

Basic Gardening Tips for Beginners

You’ve decided to plant a garden but you need basic gardening tips for beginners, this is the place to be. Gardening has become a delightful hobby for people all over the world. There are many rewards for the gardener, the visuals of his creation, the scent of the blooms, great fresh air and lots of […]

Growing Peppers For The Pot

Whether you call them peppers or capsicums, these vegetables are one of the easiest and most rewarding to grow. They are also delicious both raw and cooked, and they make a versatile ingredient in many recipes. Related to the chilli plant, capsicums are more usually referred to as sweet or bell peppers, not surprisingly because […]