Archive for the 'Growing Basil' Category

Steps in Growing Basil Indoors

Some herb gardeners think that growing basil indoors is not easy. Well, whether you are an experienced gardener or a new one, you can successfully grow basil by following these steps. Many dishes can be cooked with basil and if you have one at home, you will have a fresh supply of this herb variety. […]

Growing Basil in a Home Herb Garden

As you no doubt know, Basil is a great herb! It can flourish almost anywhere in the world, and is really easy to grow! It’s an essential ingredient in most of your favourite recipes, you can add it as a finishing touch to any dish and it even looks great as a garden or kitchen […]

The Essentials for Growing Basil Outdoors

Though basil is often associated with Italian cooking, it is often found in many places around the world. There are various basil plant varieties, and the flavors can vary from spicy tropical flavors to sour, lemony flavors. In India, basil is often called Tulsi and is thought to be a holy plant. There, the holy […]

Starting an Herb Garden – How to Grow Basil and Use It Around the Home

If you’re thinking of starting an herb garden, no herb garden could possibly be complete without basil. It was the first herb that I grew (because I use so much of it in my cooking) and it’s also the last that I would give up. However, it’s not only a key ingredient of many excellent […]

Growing Basil – Tips for Growing Basil From Seed to Harvest

Basil – The King of Herbs Basil is thought to be one of the oldest herbs in the world and has been highly regarded for its many properties. It has been used in cooking, medicine, decoration and in religion. Growing basil is highly rewarding for people who are new to gardening because it is relatively […]

Growing Basil at Home Made Easy

Basil is such a versatile and great cooking herb! No matter what climate you live in, you can grow basil really easily! Put it in your favourite dishes, add a sprig to decorate your delicious meals and spice up your kitchen with an attractive and flourishing basil plant! If you’re in two minds as to […]

Growing Basil In Your Home Garden

Growing basil is simple, cheap, and easy, as long as you have the correct growing conditions. There are many different types and varieties of basil that you can grow in your garden, from sweet basil, used frequently in Italian cuisines, to more exotic varieties such as purple basil, with its dark purple leaves. If you […]

Grow Basil at Home

It is just very easy and simple to grow Basil at home. As long as your environment has enough sunlight and the level of temperature is good, you can grow your favorite herb at home. The Basil herb is one of the most popular herbs because of its tasty and fragrant leaves. When raw, you […]