How To Grow Peppers Quickly And Easily!

There are hundreds of varieties of peppers on the market. You may only be familiar with a few of them, and may not want to branch out and try more exotic varieties. If you don’t eat hot peppers, focus on the sweet varieties, or plant a mixture of both. Peppers are easy to grow, and the rewards are tremendous.

Peppers require warm temperatures and soil to grow, so they should not be transplanted outdoors until three or four weeks after the last average frost date. Seeds should be started indoors eight to ten weeks before they are planted in the garden. Make sure that you have a sunny spot to start seeds so that the plants will grow vigorously. Transplants are available in most garden centers, but this greatly decreases the variety that you have to choose from.

The garden should be prepared for peppers. Soil should be well drained, and full of organic material like compost or aged manure. Peppers do better in slightly acidic soil, which is why peat moss would also be a good soil amendment. They need nitrogen to grow, and could be planted where peas have grown earlier in the season to accomplish this. Fertilizer can also be used.

Peppers also need proper watering to thrive. They should stay moist, but should not be wet. That is why well drained, rich soil is important. If plants do not receive enough water while flowering, there is a risk of blossom drop, which means that fruit will not set. Place mulch around plants after placing into the garden in order to retain moisture between each watering.

Be careful of pests that are common problems for peppers. The most common of these is aphids. Aphids are very small, but are visible and leave a sticky, honeydew substance on leaves which will let you know that they are there. A presence of ants on your peppers will also give you a clue that aphids are in residence. A soap solution can be sprayed on plants to rid your plants of this problem. Watch out also for corn borers which will cause internal rot of the peppers themselves. Use floating row covers early on to prevent moths from laying their eggs.

Peppers will be heavy producers in your garden, and are versatile in the kitchen. Making sure to prepare soil and to look out for pests will help with the success of your plants. Enjoy trying different varieties, and allow ripening for shorter or longer periods to achieve different colors and flavors of the peppers you grow.

Gary is the Editor of the Find out the benefits and advantages of growing your own fruit and vegetables at home! Find out more about how to grow Peppers at home today!

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