How to Grow Peppers in Your Garden!

Your garden just wouldn’t be complete without the addition of delicious sweet bell peppers. Peppers are a very common staple in kitchens and there are varieties to choose from. You have your choice of red, yellow, green, and orange, as well as various hot peppers as well. Growing Peppers is easy to do and they’ll grow without a great deal of effort. Not to mention how peppers will add delicious flavor to many of your meals.

When you grow Peppers, you’ll need a good amount of sun so be sure that your garden gets at least 8 hours of sun each day. Your soil will need to be dug up well with the ideal pH level between 6.7 and 7. Add organic compost to your soil for extra nutrients. Some gardeners apply Epsom salt on top of the soil to add extra magnesium which helps your peppers flourish. Add fertilizer before you sow your seeds as well.

Peppers like heat, so be sure that your soil is at least 60 degrees before planting seeds. You can always utilize a heat lamp to increase your soil temperature. It is a good idea to plant seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before the last frost of winter. When you are ready to transplant the seedlings, dig a shallow hole and insert them carefully. Cover back up with the soil and water lightly.

You will want to sow the peppers 16-20 inches apart in rows spaced approximately 24-30 inches apart. Adding a light layer of mulch will help retain moisture and help with weed maintenance.

Your peppers will need watered regularly with about 1 inch of water per week.

Between 70-90 days your peppers will be ready to harvest. The more you pick your peppers, the more they will produce. Gently pick your peppers and enjoy the fruits of your labor. You can eat them raw or add them to many of your meals. This is how easy it can be to grow peppers at home!

Gary is the Editor of, with all you need to know information about buying your Mini Greenhouse! Find out the benefits and advantages of growing your own fruit and vegetables at home!

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