All About Gardening Tools

God made rainy days, so gardeners could get the housework done – Gardening can be that addictive and more so if you have the right tools! Selecting the right gardening tools is also important when taking up a gardening project. Opt for tools that are neither too heavy nor too light. Heavy equipments are difficult to use and quite tiresome while lighter ones are poorly made. Good gardening tools have handles made of high quality wood like ash.

Here are some popular gardening tools –

– Garden rake helps to soothe the soil after it is tilled. This tool is helpful in finishing work when making planting beds or a new lawn.

– Cultivators help in cutting the hard compacted soil. Some of them have broader edges while others have narrow ones. These are useful in making the annual beds for vegetable gardens.

– Edger is another gardening tool that helps the flower gardens and shrubs maintain their shape. Gardens lose their crisp lines over time when grass intrudes in the garden. Using the edger will prevent grass roots taking a firm hold in planting beds.

– Pitchfork is a tool used for aerating compacted soil and preparing garden beds. They are also used for dividing grasses and also to spread mulch in spring.

– Reel Mowers are used to cut grass. They give a cleaner cut as compared to other tools. They do not use gas and hence there is no pollution with reel mowers. These are great for small lawns. It is a lightweight and easy to use tool.

– Hand Pruners are gardening tools used for cutting branches. They give cleaner and precise cuts. They have bypass blades that help in cutting the branches neatly.

– Loppers are just like pruners but are provided with long handles and the ability to cut branches of around 2 inches thickness.

– Compact Pruning Saw is a tool useful for cutting branches. It is small enough to fit into the middle of a shrub to cut the branch.

Gardening tools are essential for maintaining your garden but it is not really necessary to spend a lot on buying garden tools. You need not have all the latest tools to give your garden that perfect look. You can just buy some basic tools to start with. With minimum tools, you too can make your garden attractive.

One of the basic gardening tools is a spading fork. This helps to dig down the soil and break the ground. This is very essential since at some point or the other you will need to open and improve the soil. Hoe is a gardening tool useful for weeding and cultivating the soil. This is done to allow the penetration of nutrients and water into the soil. For larger digging projects you will also require a round ended shovel.

A watering can is also one of the important gardening tools. It has long nozzles and allows water to flow gently. A good bow rake is essential to level the soil and also for removing large clods of earth or rocks from the soil. Having a pair of garden shears known as clippers are essential for cutting, shaping and removing foliage or branches.

Give your garden that perfect look just by using the right gardening tools without spending money on expensive professional gardeners!

Get all of the latest in gardening tools know how from the one and only true gardening resource at Be sure to check out our gardening tools pages on our web site.

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