How to Grow Green Beans in Your Home Garden
I enjoy both gardening and cooking. In order to do both I started a vegetable garden in my backyard. Greenbeans are my favorite vegetable to grow in my home garden. It’s really fun to be able to grow something from seed and then be able to use them in a variety of ways.
In order to grow any vegetable successfully you have to start with good soil. It’s the first step in growing anything. If you don’t have the right type of soil the green beans won’t thrive. The soil just be able to drain easily. If the soil doesn’t drain the green bean plants may develop root rot. The soil should be moderately rich. The green beans will need a good 8 to 10 inches of soil. The soil should be fertilized using a 10-20-10 fertilizer. Work the fertilizer into the top 3-4 inches of soil for best results.
What type of green beans should you grow? Your answer should depend on how many green beans you wish to harvest and how much area you have to grow them. You’ll find green beans divided into two categories, bush beans and pole beans. Bush beans, as the name implies, grown on a low growing bush. Pole beans will need to be staked in the garden. You will probably need to help the pole beans start their climb, but once started they will climb beautifully on their own.
When you’re trying to determine what variety of green bean to grow in your garden you’ll also have a choice of colors. Yes, that’s right green beans don’t just come in green! One very popular purple green bean is a pole bean called Violet podded. You can grow a yellow green bean called Rocquencourt. Whatever color you decided to grow you’ll find the flavor is the same as a standard green bean.
There are a few more tips I have to give you if you’re going to grown green beans in your home garden. Don’t plant them too early. Make sure any danger of frost has passed and the soil temperature is at least 65 degrees. Unless you want a very large harvest at one time to can or freeze you should stagger the planting of seeds or plants. Plant seeds every two weeks and you’ll have a good supply. Remember, the more you harvest the more will grow.
Growing green beans is something that your entire family can enjoy. It’s simple and a great way to introduce your children to the joy of growing and caring for something. They can plant the seeds, help you harvest the beans and even help you cook them.
Catherine Olivia knows how to grow green beans. She also knows how to can and freeze green beans and has fabulous recipes featuring green beans. Visit her site at
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